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Stick It to Diabetes

Raised toward our $50,000 Goal
48 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 31, at 11:59 PM EST
Project Owners

Stick It to Diabetes

We are a group of people living with diabetes who are invested in helping the physician-scientists and researchers whose work and dedication has benefitted us. 

By raising awareness about diabetes research and the importance of world-class patient care, and by raising funds to support research and care, we hope that we are honoring all those who have been affected by this disease, including those who are committed to helping the 38 million Americans who live with diabetes. 

The Johns Hopkins Diabetes Registry, a dynamic database of medical information that is refreshed daily, will facilitate research and advancements in patient care by providing a vast amount of pertinent data to physician-scientists and other researchers. In turn, the experts will use that data for clinical trial recruitment, to better understand population health, for quality improvement, and for other purposes--all in the name of improved patient care for people like us.

We’ve each had a different journey, and we look forward to sharing a little about that journey on this campaign site during November, National Diabetes Month. Today, we are united as one in our fight to Stick It to Diabetes by raising resources for the Johns Hopkins Diabetes Registry.

Thank you for your support!

Ray Bergman, Fred Gaede, Dawn Gardner, Susan Oberfeld, Laila Roth

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