Inclusion Body Myositis (IBM) is a rare and progressive muscle disease causing weakness and damage. IBM affects muscle fibers, leading to inflammation and gradual degeneration, particularly in the arms and legs. Everyday tasks like walking, climbing stairs, or lifting become challenging. It can also impact swallowing and speaking.
Despite being the most common acquired muscle disease in adults over 50, there's no established therapy for IBM. However, at Johns Hopkins, Dr. Payam Mohassel and his team are working diligently to push scientific boundaries to improve healthcare and develop more efficient treatments for IBM.
Recent pilot data suggest a promising avenue for treatment with Sirolimus (Rapamycin®), a drug currently used in organ transplantation. Johns Hopkins, one of the two esteemed clinical trial sites in the US, is conducting a Phase III trial investigating Sirolimus's effect on IBM progression. By confirming pilot data and exploring disease modification potential, this trial could revolutionize IBM management and improve patient outcomes. In order to conduct this trial, we need your help!
Your generosity will ensure we have the necessary resources essential for the trial’s success.
We invite you to join us in making a meaningful impact! Thanks to the incredible generosity of a patient donor, every dollar you donate will be matched, doubling the impact of your support! Your donation will go even further in making a difference for our clinical research endeavors aimed at discovering effective therapies for both present and future patients battling IBM. Every gift, no matter the size, is a vital contribution toward advancing medical science and improving the lives of those affected by this challenging condition.
Thank you for your consideration!