Olivia Runs 50 States for Pediatric Cancer Research

Olivia Runs 50 States for Pediatric Cancer Research Image
Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
33 Donors
days left
Project ends on January 08, at 10:11 AM EST
Project Owners

Donate to pediatric cancer research as Olivia runs to bring awareness to this important cause.

Running, literally, runs in my family. My dad, mom, and both grandpas have run numerous marathons and half marathons. Several of them have even run on all seven continents! So, I wanted to get in on the action! My goal? To run a 10K in all 50 states to raise $10K for pediatric cancer research at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center’s Division of Pediatric Oncology.

Less than 5% of the National Cancer Institute’s budget goes to pediatric cancer research. And, less than 5 cents for every dollar raised by the American Cancer Society is directed to cancers affecting children and adolescents. With your support, I hope to help improve these numbers and positively impact pediatric cancer patients’ lives.

P.S. Please “Like” my Facebook page to follow my progress. :)

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